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How Endangered Species could be different

Wildlife conservation could involve gaming / active ecological intervention

Endangered species field guides / apps could be developed to aid law enforcement

Peyote could be protected for Native American religion / produced synthetically for others

Insurance programs could protect endangered animals

National parks could be created in warzones / post-conflict areas

The demand for rosewood furniture could be decreased to save lemurs, endangered species, and forests

Lions, leopards, cheetahs, wolves, and other animals could be scared away by flashing lights

Peatlands could have a big effect on climate change, regulate water flow, provide forest products, and conserve biodiversity

Endangered species and plants could be moved to less threatened environments

Palm / coconut oil use could be truly certified as sustainable

Feral cats could be trapped, neutered, and returned

Wild animals could have hospitals

Water could be provided to wild animals during droughts

Limited legal hunting of animals could lead to conservation

Extinct species could be brought back to life