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How Solar Energy / Panels could be different

Technology / solar / water management skills could be taught to the least educated / illiterate / lowest caste people

Parking lots could have solar panels

Solar food drying / dehydration technology / methods could create less food waste / safe foods in developing countries

Windows could be solar panels

Solar energy could create extreme heat

Solar panels could be easy to put on windows / form shapes

Beach umbrellas could be solar

Coral reefs could grow faster with solar electrical currents

Digital distributed energy could provide energy in emerging markets

A rechargeable solar battery could be a power backup / enable off grid living

Solar microgrids could provide power and withstand hurricanes / tropical storms

"Cooling houses" with seawater, solar energy, and cardboard could grow crops in the desert

Customized solar power could be provided in developing countries

Greenhouses could be passive / use solar energy and aquaponics

Nitrogen fertilizer could be produced by the air

Fridges could be powered by solar energy

Massive solar farms in deserts could have environmental consequences

Solar panels could be on water

Solar panels over canals could create renewable energy and save water

Highways/roads could be solar powered

Plastic bottles could provide lighting

Solar panels could benefit land underneath

Solar panels could be spherical

People could use and have access to community solar farms or solar gardens

Portable solar lamps could be used instead of kerosene / battery lamps