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How Government could be different

Civil grand juries could help keep government accountable

Legislatures could learn from democratic lawmakers in other countries

Continuous quality improvement / customer satisfaction surveys / stakeholder feedback through interviews & focus groups / data outcomes / sharing best practices could be used in government programs

Adopting could be quicker, cheaper, less hurdled by bureaucracy, legal / safe, and open to more (single people / LGBTQ+) to prevent millions of abandoned / vulnerable children worldwide

Prediction markets could improve future forecasts / public policy

Countries could be prevented from taking on crippling debt / having public financial mismanagement

Government operations could be paperless / automated

Leaders could demonstrate vulnerability / openness

Splited Economies, 2 time zones in 1 community

The revolving door between government / private business could be fixed

Government legislatures and courts could ensure truth through requiring an oath and punishing perjury

Governments / organizations could improve "use it or lose it" deadline budgeting

ProZorro could improve government contracting / corruption

Democracies could not have ethnic/tribal/religious political parties

Companies / people could not bribe, give donations, and/or gifts to government officials

Offshore banking / dark money could be reformed to prevent corruption / crime / terrorism / human trafficking / tax evasion / wars / repressive and corrupt governments

Authoritarian states could or could not create economic growth

Citizens could access government records

Policymaking could be open and collaborative

Buildings could not collapse in developing countries

Decentralization could or could not lead to better government

Meritocratic recruitment/rewards/wages/benefits, smaller government, intrinsic motivation, decentralization, and performance monitoring/auditing/feedback could improve governments

International aid could prevent civil service reform

Public sector unions could prevent government reform / lead to adverse decisions

Duplication, fragmentation, and overlap could be fixed across government

Government RFPs could have be simpler, have less requirements, and elicit more solutions from industry

International aid could focus on improving government services and private development

GDP could be Gross National Happiness

Competition, trial phases, past performance evaluation, and effective monitoring could create more efficient government contracting

An ombuds office or dispute-resolution system could better address harassment, complaints, and corruption

Instances of government waste/inefficiency could be compiled clearly on a website

Government privatization / contracting / consulting could create inefficient spending not in the public interest

Government employees could perform services instead of contractors / consultants to save taxpayer money

Lotteries could be used to fill (student) government seats

A "Nation Building Best Practices Model" could be used in international development

Software coders and new technology could improve government services

Organization research could focus more on public administration

Auditors could serve and be hired by the public and legislative bodies

Politicians and judges could undergo psychological screenings

Public policy could be created differently

Democracy vouchers could be a part of campaign finance

Elections and/or legislatures could have gender and/or diversity quotas

Governments could have open contracting

Local governments could have one integrated data system and universal intake

Public program evaluation could include comparable cost benefit analysis

Human-centered design could be used in the social sector and business

RCTs could be a marginal way to inform public policy

Private charity could not replace government programs or funding

Behavioral economics, consumer insight research, and mystery shopping could be used in the design and delivery of public programs

Research could be communicated and organized in easy-to-read formats

Public policy ideas could be easier to access through artificial intelligence

Plain language could be used more in government, universities, and other organizations

Social sector knowledge could be better collected, organized, and displayed

Public policy clearinghouses could be easier to use and more comprehensive

Government agencies, schools, hospitals, police, universities, foundations, prisons, workplaces, elections, judiciary systems, and nonprofits could collect, publicize, and use citizen feedback

Children could be registered at birth

Networks of schools implementing proven programs could lead to school reform

Different amounts of votes could be bought in elections

Small-dollar contributions could be based on how politicians vote

What Nobody Mentions

How to fight war propaganda? How about a virtual cafe?

Small dollar funding could support political campaigns

Public agencies could be rewarded for cost savings

Community planning could involve games / crowdsourcing online

Governments could use accrual accounting / zero-based budgeting

Public participation could be used in patent examination

Social Security - Progressive Retirement Age

Individuals and organizations could track, oppose, or endorse legislation online

Oil-to-cash programs could help to avoid the resource curse

Viewing and analyzing the connections of companies with unneeded, unsafe products, who have had government contracts

Governments could share technology and apps to improve public services

Governments, scientists, and institutions could have transparent and online data

Cities, countries, and organizations could offer information hotlines, websites, and texting services

New societies could be established at sea

Low-cost random controlled trials could test government programs' effectiveness

Social impact bonds could fund public programs

A random sample of voters could decide elections

Identification systems / digital IDs could be built for citizens