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How Car Accidents / Traffic Fatalities / Road Safety could be different

Police chases could be limited to violent offenders / safer

U.S. streets could be safer

Rumble strips could reduce road accidents

Traffic cops could be replaced with mimes / humor could reinforce rules

Teslas' design could be safer than other cars

Satellites could be pinged for help in areas with no wifi / internet

Citrus and hot pepper sprays could cause alertness

TV / movie crews and actors could have better hours

Tesla's / cars' autopilot capabilities could be safer

SUVs / trucks / cars could be made safer for pedestrians / bikers

Wildlife bridges / tunnels could save animals and people

A phone charger could be an emergency tool

Reflective spray-on paint could improve biking safety

Trucks or buses could be safer to overtake driving

Stickers could prevent traffic accidents

Streets could be designed to be slower

Motorcycles / bicycles could deliver emergency healthcare more effectively

Tunnels could ease traffic, be weatherproof, and be resistant to earthquakes

Schools could start / end later

system for vehicle and traffic co-ordination

Signs on the street could warn pedestrians to look both ways