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How U.S. Mental Health Services could be different

U.S. Medicaid could be more available to those in need / have less administrative errors

CARE courts / easily available medication could help with mental illnesses / homelessness

Psychiatric / addiction care for homelessness could be coordinated by the state rather than county

Mental health / addiction treatment could not be denied by health insurance

The Florida Baker Act could be revised to be more effective / less abusive

Schools could have adequate numbers of psychologists / mental health services

Solutions could reduce U.S gun violence / suicides

Antipsychotics / antidepressants / ADHD drugs could be linked with violence / murder

Parents could be able to get residential treatment for mentally troubled / violent children before crimes are committed

Citizens with any history of mental illness / violent internet posts / dangerous histories / no references could not obtain guns

Warning signs / threat detection of mass shooters could be encouraged to be reported, information effectively shared, and then acted upon

Homelessness / drug addiction could be dealt with more comprehensively than "Housing First"

Lawyers / psychiatrists / conservators / judges for conservator cases could be vetted by outside party and have better incentives

Duplication, overlap, and fragmentation could be fixed for U.S. mental health services

People with mental health issues could go to state psychiatric centers/access assertive community treatment rather than nursing homes/prisons

A hotline could offer poems of hope and healing

Senior and developmentally disabled guardianship/conservatorship could be reformed to prevent abuse

Red flag laws could be a part of U.S. gun ownership

Homeless shelters could be navigation centers

Psychiatric medications could be harmful when over-prescribed and taken long-term

Psychiatrists, addiction counselors, and/or licensed social workers could work with police

Involuntary commitment laws could include complying with doctors' recommendations

Free health clinics / counseling could be available

U.S. rehab centers could be more regulated and ranked by effectiveness

Running and exercise programs could people who are homeless / have mental health issues / prisoners

The RHS-15 screener and Pathways to Wellness program could be used to address refugee mental healthcare needs

Bringing Kind Voices Together

Federal background checks could be applied to all gun sales and transfers

Military personnel could deploy for shorter periods to reduce mental health issues

A two-tiered disability benefit system could be used to not discourage work

Critical Time Intervention (CTI) could prevent homelessness in people with severe mental illnesses

Schools could offer better counseling for at-risk youth