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How U.S. Department of Homeland Security could be different

FEMA could have a better / quicker / less fragmented / less complicated / adequately staffed and funded response to natural disasters / emergencies

Working with a foreign entity to influence political elections could be a crime and threat to national security

Interrogation approaches could be ethical, legal, and effective

U.S. asylum/immigration seekers could be able to go to ports of entry and more immigration judges could be hired

The U.S. (and other countries' border policies) could operate from a humanitarian framework versus deterrence

A fiber optic cable / floating aquatic cables could secure the U.S.-Mexico border

U.S. immigrant detention centers could provide adequate medical care to detainees

The asylum / temporary work visa process could be easier / faster for people at the U.S.-Mexico border

Law-abiding, tax paying, current U.S. undocumented immigrants could have paths to visas / citizenship

The Central American Minors (CAM) Program could be expanded

Community accompaniment programs or electronic monitoring could be used instead of immigration detention centers