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How Literacy / Reading could be different

Technology / solar / water management skills could be taught to the least educated / illiterate / lowest caste people

Bionic reading could lead to speed reading and easier comprehension

Phonics could be used to teach reading

Bookmobiles could increase access to books

Subtitles could increase literacy

Charter schools could provide basic education and job training for adults

Dyslexia could be screened for in kindergarten and prisons

Summer school could be fun, engaging, and improve academic outcomes

"Summer slide" could be addressed for better educational outcomes

"Learning landscapes" in commonly used areas / playgrounds could help boost education and literacy

Learning disabilities could be better identified and addressed in schools

Seniors could volunteer as foster grandparents

Prisons could have newspapers

Prisoners could have access to book, magazines, and newspapers

A reading tablet or fitbit with text message reminders and tips could nudge parental engagement and education

Access to books could be through e-readers and mobile phones

Low-cost, new books could be available to kids in need

Schools could have a well-run school library

Books could be available in vending machines

All children could receive automatic library memberships

Volunteer tutors could help to improve literacy rates

Libraries could be free and little

McDonald's / fast food restaurants could give away books in happy meals