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How Global Human Rights could be different

Religious missionaries / groups could affect LGBTIQA+ rights in Africa / worldwide

China / companies could not have 9-9-6 working hours

Women could be trapped traveling to Islamic / Sharia law countries with male relatives / spouses

Farmworkers / construction / all workers could be prevented from heatstroke / kidney damage / death

Marginalized groups could access community paralegals / volunteers to protect rights

Girls could have access to / play sports

Prisons could have sanitary conditions / pest control

Reporting could continue even if journalists are killed

Child marriage could not be allowed in the U.S. / world

Elders could promote peace / human rights

Sex workers could not face financial discrimination

Adopting could be quicker, cheaper, less hurdled by bureaucracy, legal / safe, and open to more (single people / LGBTQ+) to prevent millions of abandoned / vulnerable children worldwide

Psychedelic drugs (or non-lethal chemical weapons) could be used in interrogations / warfare instead of torture / weapons

Natural miscarriages could not be prosecuted

Limits on abortions could affect miscarriage care / pregnant womens' lives

Mental health care systems could improve in developing countries

Bombings / blockades in Yemen could follow international law / create humanitarian corridors for citizens to escape

Eyewitness identification, custodial interrogation / recording, judge bias, access to post-conviction DNA testing, evidence preservation, public defense funding / quality, plea bargains, and forensic science could improve to prevent wrongful convictions

Wrongful convictions could be overturned by DNA evidence

Prisons could have language translators

Land grabbing could be harmful to small-scale farmers / communities / biodiversity but improve land productivity

News organizations / media / companies could not take money from authoritarian regimes

Private military contractors (PMCs) use by countries could be regulated

Weapons could not use depleted uranium

Athletes' mental health could be addressed / protected

Loans / cash could be accessed by the poor to end debt slavery

Intelligence agencies / law enforcement could not entrap people

Israel could prevent settlements in Palestinian land / homes

Women's access to direct deposit / financial services could lead to empowerment

The bacha bazi system could end in Afghanistan / Pakistan

Offshore banking / dark money could be reformed to prevent corruption / crime / terrorism / human trafficking / tax evasion / wars / repressive and corrupt governments

Citizenship registries could not deprive people of human rights

Widows could have rights protected

Migrant workers could have less human rights abuses in the Middle East

Pretrial detention / waiting periods for prisoners worldwide could be shorter / done differently

Prisoners could be able to defend themselves in courts

Judicial systems could be reformed by better case management technology

Water wells could free Pygmy slaves

Consulting, lobbying, law firms, banks, and public relations companies could not assist authoritarian governments, corruption, organized crime, or have unethical practices

Interrogation approaches could be ethical, legal, and effective

Children / slaves could not mine for mica, cobalt, gold, salt, talc, gems, and other metal/minerals

Smartphones could not be used to spy on political opponents/dissidents

The Chinese government could not persecute and detain Uighurs and other Turkic Muslim minorities

The U.S. (and other countries' border policies) could operate from a humanitarian framework versus deterrence

Labor conditions could be crowdsourced

Anti-money laundering laws and technology could negatively impact genocide, human trafficking, drug cartels, corruption, and other organized crime

Intersex people could be able to choose how they want to be

Prisoners could be able to share conditions of jails and treatment

Truth and reconciliation commissions could help bring about peace after internal unrest/violence/discrimination

U.S. prisoners could receive better / less negligent healthcare

Involuntary commitment laws could include complying with doctors' recommendations

Prisons could have regulated temperatures

The asylum / temporary work visa process could be easier / faster for people at the U.S.-Mexico border

Food could be labeled "Food Justice Certified" or "Fair Food"

Children could be registered at birth

Public defender offices could be fully funded

Stock photos could feature new, non-stereotypical images

The death penalty could not be used

Solitary confinement in prisons could be limited or abolished

Progressive soap operas, reality TV shows, and other shows could be used to boost human rights / public health / child development

Illegal drug users could be sent to treatment centers rather than prisons