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How Prescription Drugs / Medicine could be different

A business could develop overlooked / logjammed drugs by pharmaceutical companies

Medicine could be safer / uncontaminated through various ways

Low-dose naltrexone could be used for MS, autoimmune, cancer, pain, etc.

Prescribing and dispensing drugs could be separated

Pharmaceutical companies could make safe and effective marijuana / psychedelic drugs

Statins for cholesterol could have harmful side effects / not be as effective as thought / cause muscle pain

Venom could have health benefits

A majority of U.S. FDA funding could not come from the pharmaceutical industry

Raw data could be open / transparent / shared in pharmaceutical (or all) research studies

SSRIs could not work well

Progesterone gel / pills instead of shots could be used during IVF / pregnancy

Prescription bottles could be compostable

Benzos could be regulated for use and the risks could be fully explained

The U.S. FDA's incentives for approving drugs / vaccines could change

The VAERS / FAERS systems could accurately capture vaccine / drug safety and restore public trust

Doctors could access accurate drug data (not from sales reps) to safely and effectively prescribe drugs

Medical boards could evaluate doctors, type of prescriptions given, and fatal / non-fatal overdoses

Generic medications could be less regulated than brand-name / unable to be sued

Pharmacies could make less prescription mistakes

U.S. drug prices could be lower

The revolving door / regulatory capture between government and industry could be fixed

Smart lockers could enable patients to access medication more easily

Doctors could prescribe opioid pain pills on a limited basis

Pills could come in a pre-packaged, chronological ticker tape

Unopened, unexpired medications could be provided to patients in need

Manufacturers of recalled drugs could be required to contact consumers