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How Dementia could be different

Trepanation (drilling holes in skulls) could be researched

People with mental / physical disabilities could work on care farms / inclusive communities

NMN, resveratrol, NAD+, metformin, rapamycin, vitamin D + K, TMG, taurine, aspirin, quercetin, omega 3, ALA, and/or coenzyme Q10 could be taken to live longer

Dementia / alzheimer patients could "bike" around familiar neighborhoods

Nursing homes could not use antipsychotic drugs on people with dementia

Smartphones could help Alzheimer/dementia patients recall memories and people

Video cameras could be used in elderly care and nursing homes

Creativity could help with mental health

Food, water, drinks, or condiments could be fortified with micronutrients

Laundry pods could be banned or have more safety features

Lithium could be added to tap water

People with dementia / Alzheimer's could live in gated model villages