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How Prison Rehabilitation could be different

Wild horses could rehabilitate people / raise money

Prisons could have sanitary conditions / pest control

Prisoners could or could not have cell phones / tablets with restrictions

Violent suspects / repeat offenders could not be released easily from jail

Prison rehabilitation programs could reduce violence and crime

Gang involvement could be confronted inside prisons

Nonviolent offenders could be separated from violent offenders in smaller prisons to prevent prison gang recruitment / increased crime

Prison food could be healthier and incorporate farming / nutritional education

Domestic abusers could access therapy / a help hotline

The Back on Track program could be used with nonviolent offenders instead of prison

Prisoners could receive trauma-informed therapy

Released prisoners could go to homestays

Prison guards could be coaches / mentors

Pedophiles could get therapy and psychiatric / hormonal drugs

Prisoners could have access to a liberal arts education

Prisons could have art, drama, and music

Prisoners could learn to code and/or other technology skills

Prisons could have hospices with prisoners as caregivers

Counseling circles could be used in prisons

Prisons could be rehabilitative

Prison labor could be paid more, have labor protections, and prepare people for employment after release

Juvenile detention could be improved to rehabilitate

Prisons could have dog training programs