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New mothers could receive at least 12 paid weeks of maternity leave

By Hicbd

"Parental leave is important not only for the mother but for the father as well. Paid leave gives parents the time to provide great prenatal and postnatal care, lowers accident rates, and allows a greater sense of bonding." In addition, companies could save money on training and recruitment and receive gains in worker productivity due to higher job satisfaction.


Work / Jobs Global Labor Rights Women / Girl Issues Child Development Parenting Maternity / Paternity / Parental Leave Child Welfare / Protection Infant Mortality Maternal Health / Motherhood / Postpartum Care


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Ellen Totally agree. We are behind many other countries in terms of paid maternal and paternal leave.
David 12 weeks is far too short. Even 50 weeks (what we get here in Canada) is too short. Mothers should be paid to stay with their kids until they are old enough to go to school.
David ...although if we had a a guaranteed basic income, this question would be moot anyways...

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