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How Global Agriculture / Smallholder Farms could be different

Handpicked, ripe cherries could produce the best coffee

Digital technology / data / plant genomics / biologics could dramatically change agriculture

Better / drier seed storage could prevent food loss

Post-harvest losses from smallholder farmers could be reduced with moisture testing / hermetic bags / threshing services / warehouses

Silos / food storage in schools could prevent food waste / malnutrition in developing countries

Beneficial gut bacteria / foods / supplements could help starving / malnourished children

Farmworkers / construction / all workers could be prevented from heatstroke / kidney damage / death

Vending machines / ATMs could sell processed, safe milk / foods from small farmers

Solar food drying / dehydration technology / methods could create less food waste / safe foods in developing countries

Processing equipment could be used to produce safe food in developing countries

Smallholder farmers could have a greenhouse-in-a-box

"Supercrops" / "green revolution" crops could use less irrigation / pesticides and suck nitrogen / carbon out of the air

Crop residue burning could be turned into fuel or livestock feed / bedding

Jackfruit could be good for the planet, easy for farmers to grow, and eaten as a meat substitute

Algae could become biofertilizer, bioplastic, pollution control (sewage and fertilizers), food / vitamins, fuel, fish and mushroom feed, and dyes/stabilizers

Quail eggs with juice could be breakfast / other food

Hydroponic farming could provide income and nutrients for urban residents

Local, hydroponic greenhouses could provide fresh, pesticide-free, low water / energy produce

"Cooling houses" with seawater, solar energy, and cardboard could grow crops in the desert

Groundwater could be replenished

Cow milk production / breeding could improve in developing countries

Highly fertile, fast growing, and disease-resistant chickens could be available in developing countries

Healthy school meals could be provided to children

Enset could be a drought-resistant crop

Hedgerows could be good for the environment and agriculture

Crop residue could be turned into mushrooms and reduce air pollution

Fish could be on farms

Smallholder cooperative agriculture could be opportunity for unemployed youth

Coffee, meat, other foods could be synthetically created

Urine / human waste could be used as large scale fertilizers

Sprinkling rock dust on agriculture could have a big effect on climate change

The cassava plant could undergo a genetic and breeding revolution

Land grabbing could be harmful to small-scale farmers / communities / biodiversity but improve land productivity

Cereal banks run by women could be used to fight against famines

GMO crops could be harming small-scale farmers through unaffordable / not climate adaptable seeds and pesticide use

Locust plagues could create animal feed and fertilizer

Corn could be orange for better vision / crops could be biofortified

Smallholder farmers could receive training, financial assistance, and delivery access

Unique heirloom beans could be used in cooking

Quinoa, millet, sorghum, fonio, barley, oat, sweet potato, other crops, etc. could better ease malnutrition, water availability, and hunger in developing countries

Aflatoxin could be prevented in developing countries' crops

Rice could be farmed in a climate friendly way

Evaporative cooling / refrigeration could reduce food waste

Seed banks / vaults could maintain crop diversity and increase agricultural yields

Farming could be biodynamic, silvopasture, permaculture, or wild

Food crops could be bred to have micronutrients