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How Environment could be different

Scent beads, fabric softener, dryer sheets could be bad for laundry, health, and the environment

A self sustaining, zero waste house could produce food and generate energy

Sonar / noise could not harm whales / marine life

Ponds could be good for the environment

Desert could become soil

Stones with seaweed spores could grow seaweed forests

Wet wipes could be compostable, refillable, stylish, and biodegradable

Greywater recycling could be used

Whales / wildlife could be prevented from being struck by ships

Seed oils could lead to inflammation / heart disease / liver damage / health issues / obesity / deforestation

The public could have a right to know about defective products / environmental hazards / abusers / harassers discovered during lawsuits

"Forest backpacks" could prevent illegal logging / encourage sustainable forestry

Aquatic drones could collect waste in oceans / rivers

Fermentation could produce sustainable, healthier, and better tasting oils / fats

Insurance programs could protect endangered animals

Net zero / less carbon emission pledges could be standardized / meaningful

A conservation partnership program could help protect forests

Bioplastic could be made from crops / hemp / sugar / seaweed / food waste and biodegrade

Fishing nets could have green lights to prevent bycatch

Tubes could help fish over dams

Animal manure could be disposed of / reused in an environmentally-safe way

Beavers could restore habitats and protect against climate change / floods

Hedgerows could be good for the environment and agriculture

Coffee, meat, other foods could be synthetically created

Drones could plant forests

Philanthropy could encourage policy options that are beneficial

Sustainable forestry and fishing practices could become viable livelihoods

At-risk youth could be engaged in outdoor conservation / environment work

Land and sea could be rewild-ed

Mobile phones / smartphones could help with wildlife / nature conservation, disaster relief, disease outbreaks, education, election monitoring, financial inclusion, etc.

Farmers could receive payments for meeting environment and climate goals

Beekeeping could be an industry that protects environments and provides livelihoods

Wetlands could be created for birds by rice farmers

GMO crops could be harming small-scale farmers through unaffordable / not climate adaptable seeds and pesticide use

Nontoxic, bioremediation methods could be regulated for use in oil spills

Deep sea mining could be destructive

Nations' debt could be restructured to protect coastal areas

Water wars could be solved

Toxic waste could be recycled rather than shipped to developing countries

Companies / people could not bribe, give donations, and/or gifts to government officials

Ecuadorians / other countries could receive compensation from Chevron/oil companies for oil spills and dumped toxic waste

Activist hedge funds/shareholders could push companies to become environmentally sustainable

Travel could be ethical and sustainable

Seafood could be made from plants

Advanced geospatial monitoring and mining tools preventing use of mercury/opportunities for miners could protect the environment

Gold mining could not destroy the Amazon rainforest

Ad campaigns could reduce demand for products that harm wildlife conservation

Dams could harm river ecosystems and wildlife

Millions of tons of fishing bycatch / deaths could be reduced through different fishing methods

Plastic recycling could be a myth

Plastic and electronic waste disposal in developing countries could create health and environmental issues

Companies could not greenwash / abandon CSR initiatives to reduce plastic

Grocery stores, restaurants, and other food vendors could put less food in dumpsters

Food waste could become animal feed

An electric heat pump and roof solar panels could create an ecofriendly home

Buildings could be made of wood

Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and/or NFTs could have a large carbon/energy footprint

Environmentalism could be a part of education

Gas stoves could be harmful to health and the earth

Hydrogen cars/planes could be better than electric cars/planes

Cotton swabs could be reusable

Animals, land, and rivers could have the same rights as humans

The oil and gas industry could not abandon polluting, decaying wells

Animal poo could make eco-friendly paper / support animal rescue

China's foreign aid could create unsustainable debt and environmental issues in developing countries

Fertilizer and sewage runoff could be prevented to not cause ocean dead zones

Transformative, eco-friendly, and educational nature experiences could lead to conservation

Single-use plastic and plastic packaging could be not used

Scientists/conservationists and fishermen could work together to enable fishing to be sustainable and successful

Non-native / invasive species could be hunted, eaten, marketed as a sustainable food source

Fashion could be environmentally sustainable, fair trade, and long lasting

ESG investing could have clearer metrics / standards / regulatory oversight to prevent green / social / ethics washing

Rare earth mining could be in the U.S. and environmentally sustainable

Building materials could clean the air and better heat homes

The value of environmental conservation could be incorporated into insurance products

Non-native species could be less invasive than thought

Degraded or abandoned land could be brought back to life

Peatlands could have a big effect on climate change, regulate water flow, provide forest products, and conserve biodiversity

Flour could be made from beer, coffee, bananas, nuts, mesquite, acorns, etc.

Cities and towns could aim for zero waste

Food, meal delivery, and restaurants could be certified as eco-friendly, labor-friendly, and/or sustainable

Rice could be farmed in a climate friendly way

Bamboo could restore soil, reduce deforestation, grow faster than other plants, and act as carbon sinks

Regenerative agriculture/soil could have a big effect on climate change and health

Rainforests could be regrown

Biodiversity / snails could prevent coffee rust

Bee loss incidents could be reported and varroa mites could be prevented

The Brazilian government could enforce Amazon rainforest protection

Hemp could be an eco-friendly and productive crop

Endangered species and plants could be moved to less threatened environments

Mini-forests could restore biodiversity and reduce carbon emissions

School lunches could use reusable utensils

The extractive industry could publish payments to and contracts made with governments

Seed banks / vaults could maintain crop diversity and increase agricultural yields

Iguanas could be eaten

Companies going bankrupt could pay ahead for environmental cleanup costs

Gardens, lawns, and farms could be bee / insect friendly

Insect hotels could help with pollination

Solar panels could be spherical

Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) could crowd out the private sector, create debt, underprice risk, change incentive structures for employees, and not sufficiently track impacts on the poor / environment

Floating turbines could provide wind energy

Milkweed could be planted to aid monarch butterfly migration

Composting could be done with worms

Wine could be natural

Grills could use wood pellets

Aviation, trucks, and cars could be electric

Clams, mussels, and oysters could be environmentally-friendly food choices

Meat could be eaten less

Bottled water could be regulated in coming from spring fed or local groundwater sources

Foam could be used instead of wet wipes

Consumer products could not contain PFAS (poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances)

Pavement could be permeable

Insects could be used as animal and aquaculture feed

Algae could be made into shoes

Individuals could offset their carbon emissions

Micro-factories could recycle materials locally

Defensive burning could prevent wildfires

Airlines could eliminate single-use plastic

Consulting, lobbying, law firms, banks, and public relations companies could not assist authoritarian governments, corruption, organized crime, or have unethical practices

Crops could be richer in vitamins, minerals, and beneficial gut bacteria

Cover crops or conservation agriculture could be used for biodiversity, better soil, and water management

Palm / coconut oil use could be truly certified as sustainable

Imperfect produce could create smoothies, juice, and food

Dead plants could heat homes, enrich soil, and sequester carbon

Reusable beeswax food wraps could be used instead of plastic

Citizens could check their environment / drinking water

Glysophate / pesticides / herbicides could have harmful effects on animal and human health

Present and potential solutions ranked by global warming impact could be shared and acted on

Volunteer events could help clean up litter

A floating bicycle could pick up trash in water

Farming could be biodynamic, silvopasture, permaculture, or wild

Agriculture could be grown in food computers

Fashion could be upcycled

Consumer products could have a lifetime guarantee

Bedding could be made from eucalyptus or bamboo

Zigzag brick kilns could reduce air pollution in South Asia

Takeaways & Restaurants should compete to reduce waste

Feral cats could be trapped, neutered, and returned

Toilets could have bidets

Grass lawns, golf courses, parks, playgrounds, and landscaping could be environmentally sustainable and pesticide-free

Breast cancer could be seen as an environmental public health issue

The high seas could be turned into a nature reserve

More ocean areas could be national parks (marine protected areas)

Water could be provided to wild animals during droughts

Limited legal hunting of animals could lead to conservation

Carbon dioxide could be captured through gas separation technology

Inedible plant life could be turned into environmentally-friendly fuel and healthy sugar

Different parts of animals could be eaten to support small producers and prevent waste

Oysters / oyster shells could restore reefs along coastlines / prevent storm surges

Cashmere sweaters could support goats, herders, and the environment

Good quality cookstoves could be leased and use wood pellets

Biochar could be used as fuel in cookstoves

Parking lots / pavement could be green and permeable

More trees could be planted

Seismic blasting could be changed to prevent damage to ocean ecosystems

Certain sunscreens could not be used to prevent damage to coral reefs

Excess food could be shared with neighbors

Absorbent underwear could help with periods and incontinence

Humans could decompose into soil / the sea

Menstrual cups could be distributed more in the developing world

Straws (and other plastics) could be compostable, edible, or not used

Prairie lands could be restored

Shoes could use carbon negative foam made from sugarcane

Hair could clean up oil spills

Milk could use less water to produce and be made from peas

Ghost fishing gear could be cleaned up in the oceans

Clean cookstoves could be used in developing countries

Microbeads and microplastics could be banned, limited, or disposed of differently

Sewage could be converted into potable water and electricity

Air conditioning could be set to a more comfortable level

Water could be available in an edible blob

Shampoo could be an eco-friendly, biodegradable ball

Water could be boxed instead of bottled

A 60 mile wide device could clean up litter in the oceans

Restaurants and cafes could produce little or no waste

Governments could end subsidies to deep sea fisheries

A tree "teepee" could save water and fertilizer

Cleaning products, laundry detergents, deodorants/antiperspirants, toothpaste, and air fresheners could be free from harmful chemicals

Bike lights could be unstealable and indestructible

Carbon Credit trading platform

People could have access to repair manuals / be able to fix things

WiFi Tree

Sewer systems could use real-time monitoring and control "smart valve" technology

Massive vacuum / pneumatic tubes could provide high speed transportation

Homes and buildings could be earth-sheltered

Polystyrene foam cups and containers could be banned and/or substituted

Windows could be gardens

Toothbrushes could be biodegradable

Goats, cows, and sheep could be lawnmowers

Geothermal heat pumps could provide heating and cooling for homes and buildings

Gifts could be wrapped with cloth

Shower curtains could not contain polyvinyl chloride

Extinct species could be brought back to life

Natural predators could be trained to hunt the lionfish

Mobile smog checks could detect high polluting vehicles

Herding livestock could prevent desertification

Electricity free algae street lamps could suck up CO2

People could use and have access to community solar farms or solar gardens

Mushrooms could be used in burials to alleviate the release of body toxins

Burials could be natural or green

Dry cleaners and people could use reusable dry cleaning bags

Clothing could be leased instead of bought

Toilets could be dual-flush

Sinks could have foot pedals

Fungi could be used for packaging, containers, and insulation

Easy way to report black carbon-emitting trucks and buses

Save water while washing dishes

Restaurants and street carts could offer reusable carryout containers

Green actions could be rewarded

Roofs could be green and have vegetation

Rainwater harvesting could have multiple benefits

MIcro-enriched fertilizers could have benefits for plants, animals and humans

Paper could be produced with environmentally friendly bleach, be chlorine-free, and use recycled waste paper

Businesses could be certified as B Corporations and receive tax breaks

Fish could be certified to be sustainable

Gestation crates in pig farming could not be used

People who like meat could be humaneitarians

Cities / towns could offer curbside compost collection systems

Organic food waste could be used to create succinic acid

An app could be used to find water fountains rather than buying water

Clothes and shoes could have sustainability scores

Skyscraper or vertical farms could produce aeroponic and hydroponic crops

Robotic fish could lead fish away from biological disasters

A washing machine could wash clothes with very little water

Meat could be grown in a lab

The coca plant could be allowed to grow

Insects could be more widely eaten / cultivated

Fenugreek paper could keep fruits and vegetables fresh longer

The "green dot" system could be used to reduce waste

Ice cooling tanks could provide air conditioning

CO2 could sucked up and buried to reduce levels in the atmosphere

Windcatchers could create natural air conditioning

Clouds could be created to mirror and reflect the sun to cool the earth

Sulfur laden smoke from coal burning plants could be spewed into the stratosphere to cool the earth

A garden hose could release sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere to cool the earth

Recycling labels could be standardized to be easier to understand

Supermarkets could grow produce on their roofs