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How U.S. Public Health could be different

The U.S. / world could have more public swimming pools / lessons

Food / skincare / medicine additives that are banned in other countries could also be banned in the U.S.

The Trinseo chemical plant / other chemical plants could not release dangerous chemicals

Illegal marijuana growers / cartels could be stopped in California

Mexican pharmacies could not sell counterfeit drugs with fentanyl

The American Medical Association (AMA) could give guidance independent of donors

Public health campaigns could address citizen concerns / provide clear information

The CDC / FDA could be less politicized to address infectious disease outbreaks more effectively

U.S. public health departments could have updated technology for communication/distribution and improved data standards

States could require carbon monoxide alarms

Contact tracing could be improved worldwide during infectious disease outbreaks

Medicine, hygiene items and sexual health products could be available in vending machines

Public health departments could have a way to collect used needle syringes

U.S. dental care could be more accessible for people

Drugs could be decriminalized with available treatment options

Government economic incentives could increase the availability of healthy food

Mobile produce trucks could bring fresh fruits and vegetables to neighborhoods

Healthy food / nutrition tips could be delivered to people

HUD could better inspect and maintain public housing

The healthcare system could provide better counseling and treatment to obese patients

Barber shops / beauty, hair, nail salons could distribute public health information

Menstrual products could be affordable and accessible for low-income women

Asbestos could be banned for use

Lead poisoning awareness campaigns and preventative actions could happen across the world

U.S. children could be required to be tested for lead

U.S. water utilities could establish a timeline for lead pipes replacement

STD testing could be at home

Students could be able to see at school

Health practitioners could be trained in offering Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives

New parents could receive a baby box