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How Infertility / IVF / Reproductive Endocrinology could be different

Food / skincare / medicine additives that are banned in other countries could also be banned in the U.S.

Womb / uterus transfers could enable pregnancy

Beneficial Chinese medicine / herbs could be available direct-to-consumer

Autoimmune diagnosis / treatment could be determined in infertility / miscarriages

Women could be screened for PCOS / be treated for higher risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Diagnostic testing could be done before IUI / IVF / recurrent pregnancy loss

Endometritis / bacterial vaginosis / abnormal uterus microbiome / infections could be causes of infertility / miscarriages

Meat could be healthier than plants

Febreze / air fresheners could be toxic

Genetic / acquired blood disorders could be screened for to prevent miscarriages

Depo-provera could have harmful side effects / withdrawal symptoms

Lupron injections could have harmful side effects

More research could be done on IVF and its effects on womens' bodies / IVF clinics could be regulated

The ERA test could not be helpful in IVF without implantation failure / progesterone levels could determine endometrium receptivity

Cooling underwear could improve male fertility, testosterone, and relieve scrotal pain

Sperm could be frozen

Workplace time off / support could be provided for fertility treatment / pregnancy ailments

Genetic variants / epigenetic change / DNA fragmentation / oxidative stress / incompatibility could be tested to determine potential fertility issues

Guaifenesin (Mucinex) could help with fertility / cervical mucus but more research is needed

Hormones, antidepressants, steroids, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals etc. could be removed from drinking water

Progesterone could prevent recurrent miscarriages / be used in IUI

Issues with progesterone in ovulation could be discovered

Egg freezing / donation could be done at the same time to lower costs

Drinks / food could not be in plastic

Adopting could be quicker, cheaper, less hurdled by bureaucracy, legal / safe, and open to more (single people / LGBTQ+) to prevent millions of abandoned / vulnerable children worldwide

Kaiser Permanente could improve its IVF and infertility services

Baby aspirin could be beneficial for IVF, maternal health, and pregnancy

Progesterone gel / pills instead of shots could be used during IVF / pregnancy

Egg freezing could be oversold and unregulated

Yams could be linked with fertility and twins

Mayan abdominal massages could be beneficial for fertility, period pain, prostate inflammation, and more

Aneuploid embryos could possibly self-correct in the womb

Fasting and/or ketogenic diets could fight cancer / infertility

Phalates, bisphenol A, and other chemicals could be affecting fertility and other health issues

IVF / fertility treatment could be less expensive and covered by insurance/companies

Single / LGBTQ+ people could receive IVF insurance / adoption benefits

Sperm quality and age could be related to longevity

Women could have access to fertility knowledge earlier and less expensively

Birth control pills could have adverse side effects

Menstrual products could not contain potentially harmful chemicals / PFAS

Glysophate / pesticides / herbicides could have harmful effects on animal and human health

Cleaning products, laundry detergents, deodorants/antiperspirants, toothpaste, and air fresheners could be free from harmful chemicals