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How U.S. National Debt / Government Spending could be different

The Overseas Operations Contingency (OCO) Fund could not be a slush fund

Large national debts / economic downturns could lead to devaluing of currency / declining empires

The U.S. national debt could be calculated differently

Congress and the executive branch could have joint budget resolutions

Government spending could not be constrained by revenues

NATO expansion / backing Ukraine extremist groups / funding Ukraine military could lead to war with Russia

Wars could not be fought without drafts / increases in taxes / taxes on defense contractors / small or no increase in government debt

ProZorro could improve government contracting / corruption

Private equity / hedge funds / venture capital / real estate / investment firms could not illegally avoid taxes

The IRS could enforce tax compliance

Duplication, fragmentation, and overlap could be fixed across government

U.S. military assistance abroad could be reappraised

Competition, trial phases, past performance evaluation, and effective monitoring could create more efficient government contracting

Economic stimulus / government bailout / relief funds could only go to citizens and/or productive businesses

Government privatization / contracting / consulting could create inefficient spending not in the public interest

Government employees could perform services instead of contractors / consultants to save taxpayer money

U.S. government control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could end

The U.S. Export-Import Bank could be eliminated

Guantánamo Bay prison could be closed

Quantitative easing by central banks could be bad for economies and national debts

The U.S. could negotiate lower prescription drug prices for medicare

The U.S. could take additional steps to lower prison populations, cost, and excessive punishment

Defensive design could prevent floods