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How Advertising / Brand Strategy could be different

Solar panels could be easy to put on windows / form shapes

Stadiums could be glowing orbs

Email signatures could be marketing

Public relations / advertising could be like a newsroom

Entrepreneurs could pick concepts from multiple designers for branding / logos

Brands could roll out VIP schemes

Stores could travel to customers

Marketing could be quantum

Boats could be shaped like different objects

Advertising / scripts / creativity could be crowdsourced

Management consulting could have negative effects on business / innovation / wages

Truth could be in advertising

Advertising could be on eggs

Ad campaigns could reduce demand for products that harm wildlife conservation

Fruit could be branded

Pitches that invite collaboration could be more effective

Ad Tech could be an internet bubble

Ad agencies could revamp account management

Underrepresented creators could be hired more in advertising and entertainment

Messages could be turned into jazz piano compositions

Water fountains could talk

Clubs, shops, art galleries, and restaurants could pop-up