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Psychedelic drugs (or non-lethal chemical weapons) could be used in interrogations / warfare instead of torture / weapons

By Hicbd
Mon Jul 18 2022 12:09 pm

"The report, written by a chief CIA medical official whose identity has not been disclosed, detailed that Project Medication, as the effort was named, was shelved in 2003. But not before the agency doctors had explored whether 'drug-based interviews' would make for a less harsh alternative to the brutal interrogation practices like sleep deprivation, small-space confinement and waterboarding that the CIA employed in the years after 9/11, tactics that have come to be widely referred to as torture. The report noted the agency’s previous forays into the field of truth serums, citing a 1961 report that concluded that individuals who could withstand interrogations would probably still be able to hold out in altered mental states."


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Military Global Human Rights Business / Invention Idea Peacebuilding Brains / Neuroscience Wars / Conflict Weapons / Bombs / WMDs Interrogations U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Psychedelics / Plant-based Medicine


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