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Detect signals from human body other than brain waves.

By Tao
Fri Sep 10 2021 4:48 am

Some people can predict what people going to say(more like "from nothing", not like completing someone else's sentence.), or what they are thinking. That's where this idea comes from.
I think it won't happen for no reason, there mush be some signals from human body, and some people can react to such signal(predict).
Imagine the possibilities if we can detect those signals and convert it to words or text.

I did some research, seems nobody has achieved it yet.(If somebody did, please let me know, I also have some ideas come after it.)

I'm not just thinking of it, I really want to make it happen, and I have some idea where we start.
I'm looking for some partners who also want to make it happen. Seriously.

Please contact me if you are interested.
My email:

Best regards.


Science Biology Human Body


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Hicbd Seems cool, thanks Tao :)


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