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How Breathing / Lung Capacity could be different

Hockey could be played underwater / under ice

Screaming could release tension / stress

Singing could improve respiration rates, lung health, and well-being

Slow breathing rates could lead to health and longevity benefits

A tube inspired by Japanese monks could aid in calming breathing

Holotropic or rebirthing breathwork could lead to different states of conciousness

Screentime could lead to "email apnea"

Quality sleep and less snoring/sleep apnea could be created with tape or a chin strap

Lung capacity could be expanded

Breathing through the left or right nose nostrils could have effects on the body

Nasal breathing could be better than mouth breathing

Orthodontists could be implementing wrong treatments to align teeth

Breath could be Tonglen meditation

4-7-8 breathing could help with sleeping, anxiety, and overall health

Breathing techniques could lead to health and athletic benefits